buildings_settlement CVT Yangon

The Centre for Vocational Training (CVT) in Myanmar, together with the headquarters in Switzerland operates a a three year commercial college and a secondary school. The school mangament decided to provide new and modern infrastrcuture at estimated costs amounting about CHF 5.0 million for which Skat was madated to provide an architectual study. The priliminary design was not further developed by the client.



Project Period:


Services Provided:

Backstopping & Technical Advice

  • Preparation of spatial requirement scheme
  • Development of architectural study
  • Implementation of proposal

Name of Staff involved and functions performed:

Project Manager: Daniel Schwitter

Project Officer: Konrad Erhard

Name of Client:

Fördervereing für Berufsbildung, Sarnen, CH

Description of the Project:

The new CVT School building in Yangon is planned to accommodate 1000 apprentices per week. The project will establish a modern new CVT school complex to provide high quality training and workshop facilities for hotel staff, electricians, plumbers, steelworkers and carpenters in Yangon.

Skat’s services included the submission of a comprehensive architectural and facility management study including:

  • Developemnt of spatial requirements
  • Architectural layout
  • Cost estimate
  • Specifications and proposed building technologies and materials
  • Structural frame concept
  • Construction implementation approach
  • Building management services & maintenance