networks_knowledge-management     Knowledge Audit of an HIV/AIDS Network

The International HIV/AIDS Alliance and its partners in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) looked into the possibility of developing an HIV/AIDS Regional Knowledge Management Centre (KMC). The first activity for developing the Centre was an Audit that was meant to investigate how the knowledge system on HIV/AIDS works in the region. Skat was the organisation selected to implement the Audit during the months of August and September 2007.


Latin America

Project Period:

August- September 2007

Name of Staff involved and functions performed:

Project Manager: Bertha Camacho

Name of Client:

HIV/AIDS Alliance

Description of the Project:

A total of 53 representatives of 25 different institutions and organizations working in 11 different countries in LAC were interviewed and 7 resource centres were visited in Brazil, Peru and Trinidad & Tobago. A systemic framework served as a conceptual basis for the Knowledge Audit and various methods of information and knowledge collection and analysis were used. The triangulation of these methods allowed for getting a more comprehensive and accurate picture of the knowledge system. It was conducted in a participatory way and in close collaboration with the LAC KMC Advisory Group.

The Knowledge Audit was able to identify important sources of knowledge, as well as the most important gaps that exist in the HIV/AIDS knowledge system in the region. In the process, a list of important stakeholders has been identified and based on the findings recommendations were presented with a view of establishing the HIV/AIDS Knowledge Centre. It is hoped that the Centre contributes to enhancing and strengthening the existent knowledge, so that better and sustainable project programming on HIV/AIDS takes place in LAC.