Strengthening UNICEF and Partner Capacity to Raise Professionalism of Drilling and Drilling Management

Increasing the knowledge and understanding of UNICEF staff and project partners on how to support professional water well drilling and developing strategies for UNICEF on equity (leave no-one behind) in accessing drinking water services.


Angola, Burkina Faso, Zambia, Africa, global & Switzerland

Project Period:


Services Provided:

Knowledge Sharing, Networking, Training &  Capacity Building

  • Project Management, Consultancy

Name of Staff involved and functions performed:

Project Manager: Kerstin Danert,

Project staff: Martin Läng, Stephanie Theis

Name of Client(s)


Description of the Project:

Developing sustainable water services that rely on boreholes is a highly skilled endevour. To be effective, UNICEF needs to ensure that its partners manage contracts, site boreholes and drill in a professional manner, ideally in the context of an a supporting enabling environment. In many countries, appropriate policies, regulation and capacity to oversee implementation are inappropriate. The previous collaboration between UNICEF, Skat Foundation and WaterAid culminated in the publication of a Guidance Note on Professional Water Well Drilling in 2016. The publication consolidates over a decade of experiences and publications into an easy-to-use manual for UNICEF staff and partners. This project takes the multi-year collaboration between UNICEF, Skat and others forward with:

  1. Online training course on Professional Water Well Drilling Management in collaboration with Cap-Net;
  2. Technical assistance to strengthen initiatives that develop capacity for professional drilling in Angola, Burkina Faso and Zambia;
  3. Sharing experiences between countries on drilling professionalisation and finalisation of a Toolkit on the Planning, Contracting and Management of Borehole Drilling;
  4. Development of a strategic paper/guidance for UNICEF on no-one left behind in accessing drinking water supplies.