Sustainable Reconstruction in Urban Areas – A Handbook

Skat, in partnership with IFRC compiled new guidelines on Urban Reconstruction. These guidelines for sustainable reconstruction focus especially on the post-disaster urban context. The hands-on manual serves mainly field practitioners and interested stakeholders. The guidelines deal with the multi-facetted situation of the transition from emergency shelter to more permanent construction in the urban context and gives specific guidance on the complexity and challenges of safe and sustainable reconstruction in the urban context.


Disaster affected urban areas

Project Period:


Services Provided:

Knowledge Sharing, Networking, Training & Capacity Development

  • Development of strategy, concept, compilation and formulation of the handbook “Sustainable Reconstruction in Urban Areas

Name of Staff involved:

Project Manager: Claudia Schneider

Contributors: Florian Klingel, Daniel Wyss; Layout: Martin Läng

Name of Client(s):

IFRC – International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies


Description of the Project:

More frequently, towns and urban agglomerations are affected by natural disasters. Large cities and mega-cities concentrate and magnify risk, but smaller cities also suffer from exposure to multiple risks. Therefore, involvement in reconstruction and rehabilitation efforts in urban and peri-urban areas has become increasingly significant. Field-focused guidance for practitioners and decision makers on key issues to inform current transitional shelter programming and the initiation of reconstruction and repair programmes in the urban context is crucial to ensure sustainable recovery. There are various reconstruction manuals available – yet most of them focus only on rural areas. Consequently, Swiss Resource Centre and Consultancies for Development (Skat) in partnership with the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent (IFRC) have compiled these guidelines with a focus on the urban context.