Best Practices for sustainable DevelopmentBonnes pratiques pour la réalisation de forages au Burkina FasoBonnes pratiques pour la réalisation de forages au Burkina Faso - 2017Concerns about corrosion and the quality of handpump components in Burkina Faso and beyondGood practice for borehole drilling in Burkina FasoProfessional Management of Water Well Drilling Projects and ProgrammesProfessionalising Groundwater Development in ZambiaQualité et corrosion des pièces composantes des Pompes à Motricité Humaine au Burkina Faso et au-delàReview of the Northern Bahr el Ghazal State Framework and Implementation Programme for the Operation and Maintenance of Rural Water Supplies (South Sudan)Striving for Professionalism in Cost Effective Boreholes AngolaStriving for Professionalism in Cost Effective Boreholes in ZambiaTransfer of Ownership in Water Supply and Sanitation SystemsZur Nachhaltigkeit von Trinkwasser- und Sanitationsprojekten