Book Cover: Framework & Handbook for the Operation and Maintenance of RWSS

This Framework & Handbook for the Operation and Maintenance of Rural Water Supply Services has been developed by the state Ministry in collaboration with agencies supporting WASH activities in Northern Bahr el Ghazal state. Its development was supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). The framework is guided by the Draft Policy Paper for Operations and Maintenance of May 2013 and the Planning and Strategy Workshop in Wau in August 2013.

The Handbook reflects a major shift in policy for the Government of Northern Bahr el Ghazal, to-wards a more sustainable model. This places more responsibility on communities as beneficial own-ers of the water points to pay for operations and maintenance, and to make a contribution towards major repairs and rehabilitation. Clear communication of these changes, by the Ministry and implementing agencies, will be essential for its success. It will be important to use a range of channels including commissioners, traditional leaders, churches and other networks and through radio.


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Review of the Nothern Bahr el Ghazal State Framework and Implementation Programme for the O&M of Rural Water Supplies (South Sudan)

Framework and Implementation Programme for O&M of Water Supplies


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