Book Cover: Review of the Northern Bahr el Ghazal State Framework and Implementation Programme for the Operation and Maintenance of Rural Water Supplies (South Sudan)

This report is a review of the Northern Bahr el Ghazal (NBEG) Framework and Implementation Programme for Operation and Maintenance (O&M) of Rural Water Supplies (MWCRD, 2013). The review was undertaken over a two-week period from 25 November 2014. It involved a series of workshops and semi-structured interviews/discussions with key stakeholders (Annex 5) as well as observations of water use. Visits were made by the review team (authors of the report) to Aweil West, South, East and North, while the workshops were held at the Ministry of Water, Cooperatives and Rural Development (MWCRD) premises. Feedback and a proposed way forward comprising a revised framework and practical handbook was submitted to representatives from select counties through a presentation and discussion at the end of the review.(..)

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Framework & Handbook for the O&M of Rural Water Supply Systems

Framework and Implementation Programme for Operation and Maintenance of Water Supplies-A Politically Enabled Public Private Partnership


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