In close cooperation with the MRC and its Initiative on Sustainable Hydropower ISH, assessment of possibilities to upgrade irrigation structures for multipurpose use (add hydropower and where possible fish passage structures); proposal of pilot sites and recommendations on how to improve accuracy of estimates for potential sites
Lower Mekong Basin (Laos as first focus)
Project Period:
Nov. 2012 – Jan. 2013
Services Provided:
Assessment, Monitoring & Evaluation
- Evaluation based on field survey
- Analysis of existing reports, of databases and of legal and institutional frame conditions
Name of Staff involved and functions performed:
Project Manager: Hedi Feibel, hydropower expert and hydrologist
Project Officer: Martin Bölli, expert for technical design aspects and backstopping
Name of Client:
GIZ, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit
Description of the Project:
Activities: hydrological and topographic analysis, assess the potential for electricity generation; propose appropriate technologies and options for upgrading existing irrigation structures for hydropower use; develop generic potential layouts and designs; assess potential for combined operation with new fish passage facilities; evaluate possibilities for grid-connection and off-grid use and propose related contractual and management arrangements.
Results: potential for equipping existing irrigation structures with micro-hydropower turbines (supplying electricity to local communities in the vicinity or providing income opportunities for these communities through grid-connection) is roughly assessed and about 3 potential pilot sites are proposed.