Areas of expertise

Backstopping for the “Ghana Electricity Sector Support Project” within the framework of the 3rd phase of the Ghana Energy Development and Access Program (GEDAP III)

SECO has committed to the 3rd phase of GEDAP a USD 21 million grant covering the period 2015-2019. The Project aims at improving the operations and financial situation of the utilities (ECG, NEDCo)

Building, reconstruction and settlements

Economic Development

Energy and climate

Environmental and Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM)


HYSAWA End Phase Review

An End Phase Review of the SDC investment in the HYSAWA Trust Fund between 2013-2016 to strengthen local governence through water, sanitation and hygiene interventions among vulnerable and marginalised rural communities.

Integrated Water Resources Management in Kosovo (IWRM-K) – Program Inception Phase

In Kosovo, the SDC aims a supporting over the next decade the establishment of an IWRM approach and related capacities, and tendered out late 2018 the inception and first phase of the IWRM-K Program. Skat Counting Ltd. in consortium with the Environment Agency Austria was awarded the mandate and launched in May 2019 the one-year inception phase for the IWRM-K.

Integrated Water Resources Management in Kosovo (IWRM-K) Program Phase 1

In Kosovo, based on its long-standing engagement in the water services area, the SDC sets out to support over the next decade the establishment of an Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) approach with related institutional capacities and people’s skills. Based on its performance in the one-year inception phase of intervention design, Skat Consulting Ltd. in association with the EAA was mandated to implement the Phase 1 of the IWRM-K Program.

Integrated Water Resources Management in Kosovo (IWRM-K) Program Phase 2

Launched in 2019, the Program aims at establishing over the twelve years period a functional framework for the sustainable management, protection, and use of water resources in Kosovo endowed with the necessary institutional capacities and people’s skills.

Mobility & Transport

Networks & Knowledge Management

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