Detailed survey on operation and management problems of (big) hydropower plants (with reservoirs) in World Bank partner countries (Uganda, Rwanda / Burundi, Sao Tomé, Cameroon, Nepal) to prepare and implement a demand-oriented, strategic “Hydropower O&M Workshop HOW” on behalf of the World Bank Group and SECO. Workshop objectives: 1) strategy development based on an improved understanding of (pre-)conditions for a sustainable operation and management of the plants and 2) promotion of an exchange between hydropower owners and operators in developing and industrialised countries.
Martigny / Switzerland; international
Project Period:
June – Oct 2016
Services Provided:
Knowledge Sharing, Networking, Training and Capacity Development
- Demand analysis among owners and operators of hydropower plants by means of a questionnaire;
- preparation of content and methodologies for the 2-day workshop; facilitation of the workshop;
- drafting of the workshop report and brief paper on workshop highlights
Name of Client:
Swiss Water Partnership SWP (supported by Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO in cooperation with the World Bank)
Name of Staff involved and functions performed:
Dr. Hedi Feibel: Preparation of Workshop content (including demand analysis), preparation of workshop participants for their presentations, co-facilitation, drafting workshop report
Anne Sophie Aublet: coordination of project partners, preparation of logistics, facilitation
Martin Bölli: Support of content preparation of workshop and facilitation
Description of the Project:
Objectives: Create a basis for strategy development of donors for sustainable operation and management of (big) hydropower plants (adapting financing conditions, promotion of favourable business and operational models, capacity building programs, technology transfer)
Activities: establish a questionnaire to analyse operation and management aspects including technical, institutional, operational, economic parameters; support workshop participants in their preparation work for workshop contributions, content and methodological preparation of the Workshop: presentation topics, “market stands”, „fish bowl“, working groups, half day excursion to a hydropower plant in Lavey etc. in close cooperation with the organisers (SWP, SECO, WB) to secure the expected results; documentation of workshop and results in a comprehensive report and a summary on key conclusions.
Results: new insights about (pre-)conditions for sustainable operation and management of (big) hydropower plants thanks to an intense exchange process during a professional workshop.