Skat was mandated by HEKS to provide backstopping services to the Slum upgrading project in Roma Settlements of Serbia. The project supports key actors of the Serbian civil society and municipal administration in providing Romas equal access to public services and infrastructure, and in planning and managing active measures for sustainable upgrading of Roma Slums.
Project Period:
Name of Client:
Description of the Project:
Technical support / coaching of the EHO Roma project management/team in the areas of:
- Planning / organisation of project implementation
- Efficient project organisation and implementation (especially construction managment) working at the same time on two construction sites through an owner-driven approach
- Efficient resource allocation and organisation of project sites
- Supervision of the operational project progress
- Periodic assessment of strategic goals – operational progress
- Coaching of EHO Roma Resource Centre management regarding technical issues (construction) and ownership driven construction approach
Follow-up of project team and project progress on a regular basis