SECO has committed to the 3rd phase of GEDAP a USD 21 million grant covering the period 2015-2019. The Project aims at improving the operations and financial situation of the utilities (ECG, NEDCo) through A) institutional strengthening measures, B) increasing access to electricity via capital investments in electricity distribution infrastructure, and C) supporting the RE sector and promoting EE measures.
Project Period:
April 2015 – March 2020
Name of Client:
State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO,
Economic Cooperation and Development
Name of Partner Organisation(s):
Intec GOPA-International Energy Consultants GmbH
Services Provided:
Backstopping & Technical Advice
assistance in project planning, institutional strengthening of electricity utilities, extension of distribution infrastructure, support of renewables (RE) and promoting energy efficiency (EE) measures
Name of Staff involved and functions performed:
Deputy Team leader and RE expert: Dr. Hedi Feibel; RE and hydropower expert: Martin Bölli; J. Bani: legal expert; B. Jargstorf: wind specialist; W. Siemers: RE and biomass expert; B. Oettli: energy efficiency expert, M. Watzal: financial/economic expert
Description of the Project:
Services provided by Skat: Assistance to SECO and GEDAP Secretariat; inception study recommending main measures; finalising logframe; review of strategic docs; feasibility studies of technical & institutional strengthening measures; technical support and provision of expert opinion on technical options, offers etc.; revision & commenting of reports, tender docs and procedures; project completion note, monitoring, controlling and evaluation; participation and contribution in Project Council meetings, Project reviews etc.
Objective: The objective of the backstopping mandate is to ensure a professional planning and a smooth course of the Project by providing management, technical and other expertise wherever required.
Activities: Participatory planning together with beneficiaries (inception phase); regular monitoring missions and expert inputs during the 5 years implementation phase; final evaluation
Results: SECO and GEDAP Secretariat are professionally supported to achieve the overall project objectives of strengthened utilities, improved distribution infrastructure and application of renewables and promotion of energy efficiency measures.