Subject to this evaluation is the “Program for sustainable energies” (14.44 million Euro, Jan 2017 to Dec 2021). Senegal intends to connect every household to a universal and reliable electricity grid by 2025 but until 2018, only 42.3% of rural households had access to electricity. The approach of this program is to support the Senegalese government in exploiting the potential of renewables for electricity production and, at the same time, to use the available energy in a more efficient way and engage the private sector. The program supports at different levels including policy and regulatory framework, strengthening of capacities, energy efficiency, productive use of solar energy and rural electrification.
Project Period:
19.07.2021 to 16.02.2022
Services Provided:
Evaluation based on OECD DAC criteria (relevance, coherence, effectiveness, impact, efficiency, sustainability)
Name of Client(s)
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
Name of Staff involved and functions performed:
Dr. Hedi Feibel, as international evaluator and energy expert
Dr. El Mostafa Jamea as local evaluator and energy expert (subcontractor)
Description of the Project:
Objective: Central evaluations of projects commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) serve a) to support evidence-based decisions, b) to promote transparency and accountability, and c) to foster organizational learning to contribute to effective knowledge management. The project was selected for evaluation in a random sample, aiming at a coverage rate of 30-50% of all GIZ projects with a volume of EUR 3,000,000 or more.
Services provided by Skat: preparation and implementation of online workshops and interviews, verification of several hypotheses selected from the results matrix (Theory of Change), SMART analysis of indicators, application of efficiency tool based on cost data, visit of project sites and interviews with numerous stakeholders and final beneficiaries of the project activities, debriefing workshop, reporting.
Activities: Phase 1: Preparation of an inception report on the methodological approach, which includes a semi-remote inception mission. Phase 2: Evaluation through collection of data and information from project and other documents and numerous stakeholder interviews with a variety of involved partners and beneficiaries, on-site visit of numerous activities with stakeholder interviews, evaluation report in French elaborated based on a comprehensive analysis of interview results, triangulation, and validation of findings. Elaboration of a 1-pager and a 7-pager summary.