Cost Effective Boreholes Phase IV
Project aimed to raise professional drilling standards in Africa, including training courses in Zambia and in-country studies in Burkina Faso and the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Burkina Faso, Democratic Republic of Congo, Zambia, Africa and Switzerland
Project Period:
2015 – 2017
Services Provided:
Knowledge Sharing, Networking, Training & Capacity Building
- Project Management, Consultancy
Name of Partner Organisation (s):
WaterAid, National Groundwater Association
Name of Staff involved and functions performed:
Project Manager: Kerstin Danert
Project Staff: Sean Furey & Layout/Design: Martin Läng
Name of Client(s)
Description of the Project:
The project addressed the related problems of poor quality and high cost of drilling and installation of boreholes, particularly in rural areas. Tasks included:
- Production of four animated films on borheole drilling professionalism
- Publication of UNICEF Guidance Note on Professional Water Well Drilling
- Mentoring and providing remote support to UNICEF programme staff in 16 countries in Africa
- Training 35 professionals in Zambia on Procurement and Contract Management of Borehole Drilling
- Leading an assessment of manual drilling in the Democratic Republic of Congo
- Study to develop a roadmap to improve borehole drilling quality in Burkina Faso
- Mentoring and support to UNICEF staff in 16 countries with respect to borehole drilling professionalism.