Skat was commissioned to evaluate the CRRP – Community Recovery and Reconstruction Partnership programme in Sri Lanka.
Sri Lanka
Project Period:
June-November 2009
Name of Staff involved and functions performed:
Project Leader / Housing Specialist: Claudia Schneider; M&E Specialist: Bertha Camacho
WATSAN Specialist: Palitha Jayaweera; Livelihood / Microfinance Specialist: M.H.S. Dayaratne
Name of Client:
IFRC-International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Description of the Project:
The Evaluation of CRRP programme was carried out according to OECD/DAC standards.The objective was to understand the extent in which the programme contributed in establishing resilient communities after the impact of the Tsunami in Sri Lanka.
The Activities carried out were:
- Preparation of the evaluation, including development of method, criteria, indicators, questionnaires, agenda for site visits, document review, field visits with approx. 280 visited houses and 40 community infrastructure projects in the four locations of Kalutara, Batticaloa, Ampara and Jaffna;
- Interviews with programme staff, governmental staff, and donors.
- Analysis of programme outputs and outcomes, programme management, and capacity building of the partner organisation Sri Lanka Red Cross Society (SLRCS);
- Workshops with beneficiaries to fill information gaps and to verify the gained knowledge and debriefings.
The report included conclusions and recommendations for the second programme phase of CRRP. A toolkit was developed including a checklist for programme managers, checklist for future monitoring and evaluation; compilation of a brochure about CRRP, and a proposal for a training module on sustainable reconstruction.