Production of four short animated films (in English and French) to succinctly communicate key aspects of professional borehole siting, procurement, drilling and supervision to managers and field personnel.
Project Period:
Services Provided:
Knowledge Sharing, Networking, Training & Capacity Building
- Development of film concepts, scripts and visual messages
Name of Staff involved and functions performed:
Project Manager: Kerstin Danert
Project Staff: Sean Furey
Name of Client(s)
UNICEF and National Groundwater Association
Description of the Project:
As part of a wider collaboration on cost-effective borehole drilling, the following four animated films were developed, put online (Youtube & Vimeo), and popularised via social media:
Borehole Siting
- The importance of good borehole siting
- Les forages: l’importance de bien choisir le site d’implantation
Borehole Drilling Supervision:
Borehole Construction quality:
- Why are some boreholes better than others?
- Pourquoi certains forages sont-ils meilleurs que d’autres?
Procurement and contract management: