Four animated films on professional drilling

Production of four short animated films (in English and French) to succinctly communicate key aspects of professional borehole siting, procurement, drilling and supervision to managers and field personnel.



Project Period:


Services Provided:

Knowledge Sharing, Networking, Training &  Capacity Building

  • Development of film concepts, scripts and visual messages

Name of Staff involved and functions performed:

Project Manager: Kerstin Danert

Project Staff: Sean Furey

Name of Client(s)

UNICEF and National Groundwater Association

Description of the Project:

As part of a wider collaboration on cost-effective borehole drilling, the following four animated films were developed, put online (Youtube & Vimeo), and popularised via social media:

Borehole Siting

Borehole Drilling Supervision:

Borehole Construction quality:

Procurement and contract management: