HYSAWA End Phase Review

An End Phase Review of the SDC investment in the HYSAWA Trust Fund between 2013-2016 to strengthen local governence through water, sanitation and hygiene interventions among vulnerable and marginalised rural communities.



Project Period:

Jan-April 2017

Services Provided:

Assessment, Monitoring and Evaluation

  • Evaluation of recent performance and recommendations for organisational evolution.

Name of client:

SDC Bangladesh

Name of Staff involved and functions performed:

Lead Evaluator: Sean Furey

Name of partner organisation:

Abdul Motaleb (World Bank Consultant)

Description of the Project:

HYSAWA was established in 2007 at the initiative of the Local Government Division and DANIDA as a multi-donor vehicle for implementing Water and Sanitation services at scale. During the SDC-funded period (2013-2016), HYSAWA consolidated its reputation as a competent and trusted WASH implementation organisation. HYSAWA developed its own innovative approach of funding through Union Parishads (the lowest tier of government) by training the council and secretaries in procurement and management, and largely eliminating corruption through public and online reporting systems.

A consultant from Skat Consulting and a local counterpart visited sites in South West Bangladesh where SDC funds had been applied in WASH interventions among marginalised and vulnerable rural communities. After the field visits, workshops and interviews with key stakeholders, recommendations were made for an SDC exit strategy what would be needed for the HYSAWA organisation to evolve and continue to be effective and efficient.