Study on the effectiveness and relevance of joint sector reviews for water and sanitation in fragile states. Desk review of 25 countries and Nepal country study. The study examined the humanitarian-development transition, reforms, national programmes, coordination between state and non-stake actors, monitoring and stakeholder perceptions of joint sector reviews.
Global, Nepal and Switzerland
Project Period:
2015 – 2016
Services Provided:
Knowledge Sharing, Networking, Training & Capacity Building
- Research (desk study and in-country study), visualisation of findings and preparation of full report and learning note
Name of Staff involved and functions performed:
Project Manager: Kerstin Danert, Project Staff: Sean Furey, Sanjay Gupta, Bertha Camacho
Name of Client(s)
The World Bank
Description of the Project:
The is the first consolidated and referenced multi-country study of Water or Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Joint Sector Reviews (JSRs). The study report and associated Learning Note and Poster provide an understanding of JSR processes and practical guidance on how to introduce and improve them. The study sets out a methodology in the form of visual checklists to reflect and take stock of WASH JSR processes.
The publications provide an analysis of JSRs as well as practical guidance on how to introduce and effectively manage them. The study considered 25 countries, in which, between 2001 and 2015, WASH JSRs had taken place in 19 of them.
The study methodology comprised a review of grey and published literature, first-hand experience by the study authors of supporting JSR processes in Ghana Liberia and Uganda and stakeholder interviews. This study also drew on a two-week in-country study of the JSR process in Nepal.
The report and learning note are available here:
Effective Joint Sector Reviews for Water, Sanitation and Hygiene- Study and Guidance
Joint Sector Review- Learning Note (English)
Joint Sector Review- Learning Note (French)