Local Poverty Reduction through Employment Generation in Bangladesh

Skat carried out a fact finding mission on behalf of UNDP Bangladesh to formulate a project, which will enable the rural poor in vulnerable areas to generate sustainable employment and livelihoods by reducing economic and social disparities and ensuring pro – poor inclusive growth.

Location & Country:


Project Period:


Services Provided:

Backstopping & Technical Advice

  • Backstopping and coaching

Name of  Staff involved and functions performed:

Project Manager: Jürg Christen

Name of Partner Organisation(s):

SDC Bangladesh

Name of Client:

UNDP Bangladesh

Description of the Project:

The project will work towards reducing the disparities in living standards and poverty incidence that prevail between regions within Bangladesh. The project will also establish a platform for efficient and effective coordination of initiatives and harmonisation of development approaches. It will assist the government in district wise and regional planning and monitoring, it will advocate upgrading of infrastructure and services in the target areas and promote an active policy dialogue. In addition, the project will develop replicable models of employment generation through innovative pilot interventions.