MGSDP Study Tour

Skat was mandated to organise a study tour in Switzerland for UNDP’s Municipal Governance and Sustainable Development Programme of Ukraine.



Project Period:


Services Provided:

Knowledge Sharing, Networking, Training & Capacity Building

  • Thematic organisation, logistics, implementation of a study tour

Name of Client:


Description of the Project:

The study tour was organised with the aim of offering Ukrainian top government officials and top local decision-makers (Mayors/deputies) an opportunity to learn and share practices of functioning of local self-government with local governments in Switzerland. The benefits of decentralisation were addressed by the different institutions visited.

The study visit included:

  • A visit to public bodies and infrastructure/public services providers;
  • Meeting with Swiss Mayors and key Municipal and Canton representatives
  • Lectures from Swiss academics and competence centres working in the area of decentralisation, governance, federalism;
  • Reflection of lessons learned from the study visit