New Electricity from Existing Dams and Weirs –

               Retrofitting in Southern Africa

The SADC Regional Strategic Action Plan IV on Integrated Water Resources Development and Management having direct links to the retrofit idea, GIZ seeked to pilot the retrofitting concept under real, local conditions in cooperation with the SADC and the private sector. Skat was mandated to do an in-depth analysis on frame conditions in SADC countries and evaluate data bases to estimate technical potentials.


Countries of Southern African Development Community SADC

Project Period:

March-April 2016

Services Provided:

Assessment, Monitoring & Evaluation

  • Analysis of institutional, legal, regulatory and political conditions in the SADC countries and analysis of the technical retrofitting potential in prioritised countries

Name of Staff involved and functions performed:

Hedi Feibel as project manager, expert for assessing electricity sector frame conditions in SADC countries;

Oliver Froend Expert for irrigation data analysis and evaluation; Martin Boelli as hydropower expert

Name of Client(s)

GIZ, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit

Description of the Project:

Compile and analyse information on electricity sectors in SADC countries; rank all 15 countries; analyse irrigation data from the FAO Aquastat database; verify irrigation structures in google earth; establish a ranked list of potential sites, draw conclusions & recommendations and draft next steps; describe the methodological approach.

Results: Provision of a ranked list of countries with interesting frame conditions and of promising sites in such selected SADC countries; this information can be used for reconnaissance site visits to survey required additional information to assess the real hydropower potentials and thus options for project implementation.