Skat Consultancy was commissioned to develop a project design and a construction implementation approach as well as provision of backstopping and the quality control services.
Location & Country:
Central Serbia
Project Period:
2014 – 2018
Services Provided:
Name of Staff involved and functions performed:
Project Manager: Daniel Schwitter, Technical Backstopper
Name of Cliebnt(s):
HEKS and Swiss Solidarity, Switzerland
Name of Partner Organisation(s):
EHO, Novisad Serbia
Description of the Project:
In May 2014, Serbia has been hit by one of the heaviest floods ever. Parts of Northern, Western and Central Serbia have been heavily affected. According to the Government of Serbia, 53 people lost their lives, 31’879 have been evacuated, about 18’000 houses have been crashed or damaged and important infrastructure has been destroyed.
As a joint response of two longlasting partners EHO Serbia and HEKS Switzerland, a project was launched to promote owner-driven rehabilitation of houses in the affected areas of Serbia. The project supported the rehabilitation of 300 houses of vulnerable families, mainly from Roma populations.