The Swiss Federation through its administration developed a number of different publications on various mini and small hydropower related topics (e.g. PACER and DIANE publications). To make this knowledge available in a well-structured way, to cover all relevant aspects and to regularly update the contents, SKAT was mandated to develop a general “Concept for hydropower Documentation” consisting of six main modules being well inter-linked and allowing for easy access to the know-how. Based on this overall concept, SKAT is now establishing the first of six modules
Switzerland /Global
Project Period:
July – November 2015
Services Provided:
Knowledge Sharing, Networking, Training & Capacity Development
- Compilation of the module content (history and importance of and general and statistical information on mini and small hydropower in Switzerland) with references to further reading, adaptation of the module structure and layout
Name of Staff and functions performed:
Dr. Hedi Feibel, project manager and hydropower expert
Martin Bölli, project coordinator and hydropower expert
Martin Läng, layout expert
Name of Client(s):
Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE, Bundesamt für Energie BFE)
Description of the Project:
The main objective is to develop a well-structured “Module 1” on history, importance and stakeholders of mini and small hydropower in Switzerland with an exemplary format (also useable for further Modules). The Module shall be well-interlinked with further reading and further modules, be easy to understand and to update when required.
Screening of relevant publications and preparation of a well-structured content for Module 1; incorporation of relevant links and references. Compilation and short description of relevant actors in the mini and small hydropower sector, including public and private sector, NGOs and professional associations.
Results and products:
1) text for Module 1 with references to other modules and to further reading
2) professional and adapted layout of the Module also applicable for other modules (layout template)
3) detailed list with relevant stakeholders in the sector.