Professional Borehole Drilling Management Training Course in Angola: Understanding groundwater, cost-effective boreholes, procurement, contract management and costing and pricing of boreholes
Five-day training course on ‘Understanding groundwater, cost effective boreholes, procurement, contract management and costing and pricing of boreholes’ for 28 participants in Angola.
Project Period:
Services Provided:
Knowledge Sharing, Networking, Training & Capacity Building
- Project Management, Consultancy
Name of Partner Organisation
National Directorate for Water, Ministry of Energy and Water and Instituto Superior Politenico, Tundavala
Name of Staff involved and functions performed:
Project Manager: Kerstin Danert
Name of Client(s)
Description of the Project:
The learning objectives of the training workshop were that by the end of the course, the participants would:
- Understand the Principles of Cost Effective Boreholes
- Have some knowledge of groundwater occurrence in Angola
- Understand the procurement process in borehole construction
- Appreciate why transparency in procurement is essential for sustainable water supplies
- Understand how to cost and price boreholes in drilling projects
- Be able to prepare engineer’s estimates for borehole drilling projects
- Evaluate tender documents for siting and drilling of boreholes
- Effectively manage borehole drilling projects from site selection through to completion
- The delivery of the course was by lectures with PowerPoint point presentations, interactive discussion, group work, drama sketches and film shows. The course was part of the Project Collaboration Agreement (PCA) 2017-2019 between UNICEF and Skat Foundation..