The Green Skills Training in Rural Areas (G-STAR) will allow unemployed youth, but also young professionals and returning migrants entering into the labour market and become more successful in transition to green economy. G-Star will develop training modules for different professions in the construction sector (plasterer, carpenter, dry wall builder and mason) to include thermal insulation of buildings and construction of energy efficient stoves. Training of trainers and especially the involvement of the private sector / “employers” will ensure sustainability.
Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek and surrounding areas
Project Period:
April/Mai 2015
Services Provided:
Assessment, Monitoring & Evaluation
- Elaboration of a logframe and Project Document for the 4-year G-STAR project in a participatory planning process with the team of the local implementing organisation
Name of Staff involved and functions performed:
Project Manager: Hedi Feibel, energy expert
Name of Client(s):
Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation HSI
Description of the Project:
Participatory development of a logframe together with local team, exchange with important key stakeholders in the sector, elaboration of a complete Project Document including context, brief history, lessons learned, alignment of the project, description of logframe, implementation strategy, stakeholders and partners, resources (human resources and budget), risk assessment and mitigation measures, monitoring and evaluation.
The objective of the assignment is to develop a logframe, Project Document and a budget as a basis to decide on the financing of the project and for the more detailed planning (yearly operational plans) over the coming 4 years. The overall objectives of G-STAR as such are: 1) training providers (vocational schools and private training providers) promote and deliver market and practice oriented trainings in the energy efficiency sector and thus allow for multiplication of skills and know-how for the relevant professions 2) a trustful relationship and beneficial cooperation between training providers and employers is established 3) harmonisation of different activities in green skills development.
Results: logframe, comprehensive ProDoc and budget as a basis for detailed project planning