Identification and assessment of hydropower potentials in existing infrastructure with the objective to develop multipurpose schemes
Project Period:
Services Provided:
Backstopping & Technical Advice
- Backstopping and review of report
- consulting services for exploitation of hydropower in existing infrastructure: thermal power plants, drinking water systems, irrigation systems and waste water treatment plants
Name of Staff involved and functions performed:
Martin Bölli, Backstopping and technical expertise
Hedi Feibel, report review
Name of Client:
United Nations Development Programme UNDP
Description of the Project:
Exploitation of available hydropower potentials in existing infrastructure in Lebanon, including mainly thermal power plants, drinking water systems, irrigation systems and waste water treatment plants.
Results: Information on the available energy potential in existing infrastructure in Lebanon is available. The technical and economical feasibility for implementation options are summarised in a comprehensive technical report as sound basis for decision making and to improve the regulatory framework.