energy_climate   Provision of professional services to conduct a micro to small

             scale hydropower assessement for public utilities and

             networks in Lebanon

Identification and assessment of hydropower potentials in existing infrastructure with the objective to develop multipurpose schemes



Project Period:


Services Provided:

Backstopping & Technical Advice

  • Backstopping and review of report
  • consulting services for exploitation of hydropower in existing infrastructure: thermal power plants, drinking water systems, irrigation systems and waste water treatment plants

Name of Staff involved and functions performed:

Martin Bölli, Backstopping and technical expertise

Hedi Feibel, report review

Name of Client:

United Nations Development Programme UNDP

Description of the Project:

Exploitation of available hydropower potentials in existing infrastructure in Lebanon, including mainly thermal power plants, drinking water systems, irrigation systems and waste water treatment plants.

Results: Information on the available energy potential in existing infrastructure in Lebanon is available. The technical and economical feasibility for implementation options are summarised in a comprehensive technical report as sound basis for decision making and to improve the regulatory framework.