Review activities and results of RRWSSP and propose the outlook for the consolidation of the project as well as suggest scenarios and approaches for scaling up of the project’s rural water supply and sanitation experience in other regions of the countries.
Uzbekistan and Tajikistan
Project Period:
Name of Staff involved and functions performed:
Project Manager: Juerg Christen, WatSan and Governance Specialist
Description of the Project:
The objectives of the assignment were threefold: a) to review activities and results of the Tajik part of the RRWSSP and propose the outlook for further continuation/development of the project (bridging phase 2013); b) to review activities and results of the Uzbek part of the RRWSSP and propose the outlook for the consolidation and exit strategy (phasing out) from the Fergana Valley (2013-2015), c) to propose scenarios and/or approaches for the possible scaling up of the rural water supply experience in the Syr Darya region (in cooperation with the World Bank).
The review underlined that the project in both countries is highly relevant due to the critical situation in the WES sector. The community based approach to drinking water supply and hygiene promotion contributes to improved quality of life and public health of the rural population. The project has a positive impact on local governance by increasing community participation through social mobilisation. However, without Rayon and Oblast involvement in participatory planning, long-term impact will be limited.