Skat, in association with 2 Nepalese consulting joint venture partners, has been selected by the Government of Nepal to provide consulting services and to assist the Government agencies responsible in the implementation of the ADB, DFID, SDC, OFID -funded Rural Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Sector Development Programme.
Project Period:
Name of Staff involved and functions performed:
Project Manager: Jürg Christen
Team Leader: Rodney Stickland
Name of Partner Organisation(s):
Description of the Project:
The objective is to provide efficient and effective managerial and technical support to the project for the enhancement of the stakeholders involved in the process. Whilst Skat has the overall management and the team leader position, the joint venture partners provide the professional local staff and administrative support.
Goals of the Program:
RRRSDP has the overreaching goal of poverty alleviation by:
- Building on the processes for institutionalizing good governance and inclusive development for which the government has already taken the necessary parliamentary initiatives for improving the policy environment for inclusive growth
- Reconstructing and rehabilitating rural infrastructure so that in the coming years, substantial peace and development dividends can be gained by the rural economy of NepalThe development objectives of the program are to improve physical connectivity; to enhance livelihoods including economic and employment opportunities and to increase access to market and social services for rural communities.
- Project District
- Program Objectives
It is designed to reduce poverty in hill, mountain and terai districts where isolation and hardship are common. The project is being implemented in 20 core districts not covered by other major donor-funded rural infrastructure development programs.