Sandra Méndez Fajardo

Project Coordinator

     Areas of expertise

  • Solid Waste Management
  • E-Waste Management
  • Systemic Design of Solutions

Sandra Méndez F. is an expert and project coordinator at Skat. She is an experienced participatory projects developer from the systems approach, on the management of natural resources, solid waste and e-Waste in developing countries. She has designed and conducted workshops, courses and webinars with stakeholders in Colombia, Ecuador and Costa Rica.

Key data

Qualification (Institute) PhD in Engineering at Javeriana University, Colombia (2016)

MSc in Civil Engineering with emphasis in environmental sciences and solid waste management, at Los Andes University, Colombia

B.Sc. in Civil Engineering at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Colombia

Working languages Spanish (nativ), English (good), German (intermediate)
Nationality Colombian
Years of Experience 18+
Country experience and regional expertise Americas: Colombia, Ecuador, Costa Rica

Europe: Switzerland, Germany

Selected projects, roles, achievements and publications Webinar “The systemic design of solutions: The case of organics in Costa Rica and Colombia” (2018)

5-Day Course “WEEE Management: Cooperation and the systemic design of solutions”, Cuenca, Ecuador (2018)

Webinar series “The systemic design of policies: the case of WEEE management in Colombia” (2018)

Key clients ACEPESA, Costa Rica

StEP Initiative, Austria

University of Cuenca, Ecuador

Affiliations and networks
  • ACIS – Asociación Colombiana de Investigadores en Suiza (Colombian Association of Researchers in Switzerland)
  • ELAPDIS – Escuela Latinoamericana de Pensamiento y Diseño Sistémico (Latin American School of Thought and Systemic Design)
  • Conferences, Member of the advisory board