Small Hydro Mobility (analysis and study of the possibilities of linking small hydro and electric mobility)

Currently, there is no direct link between small-scale power generation and electric mobility. However, the demand for charging stations will increase sharply in the coming years. For small hydropower, this offers an opportunity to sell the electricity produced at attractive conditions. The project explores under which conditions small hydro and electric mobility can be linked and studies in detail several sites that can be used as examples in order to promote and create a platform for the potential sector in Switzerland.




Project Period:

04.10.2021 to 31.07.2023

Services Provided:

Consultancy: conduction of study

Name of Client(s)

Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE)

Name of Partner Organisation(s) :


Name of Staff involved and functions performed:

Martin Bölli (Team Leader), Expert: Hedi Feibel, Wesley Wojtas

Description of the Project:


Fill the knowledge gap, elaborate business cases and determine whether small hydropower and electric mobility link makes sense, technologically, economically, and administratively in Switzerland.

Services provided by Skat:

Phase 1: Identification of representative panel of owners and operators of small hydroelectric power plants to develop business cases

Phase 2: Analysis and evaluation of the identified mobility pairs

Phase 3: Promotion and communication of the results

Activities & Results:

Existing stakeholders and their needs for the coming years are identified. The regulatory and economic frame conditions are examined. Small Hydro Power locations where the installation of charging stations could be considered are identified and proposed for the development of business cases in phase 2.