energy_climate      Small-scale Hydropower development in ECOWAS countries

Technical Assistance for preparation & implementation of a 5-day regional workshop on « small-scale hydropower (SSHP) development in the ECOWAS countries » in cooperation with ECREEE, review of up-scale Programme for SSHP in the ECOWAS countries, realisation of various follow-up activities

Location & Country:

ECOWAS countries, Workshop in Monrovia

Project Period:

February – August 2012

Name of Staff involved and functions performed:

Hedi Feibel, hydropower expert for workshop preparation, moderation, workshop proceedings, review of Programme document, establishment of hydropower inventory etc.

Martin Bölli, hydropower expert for presentation and moderation during workshop

Name of Partner Organisation(s):


Name of Client:

UNIDO, United Nations Industrial Development Organization

ECREEE ECOWAS Regional Centre for Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency

Description of the Project:

Services provided by Mrs. Feibel: Review and improve ECOWAS up-scale programme document for SSHP (detailed budget, logframe, indicators etc.); stakeholder analysis, capacity needs assessment, preparation and execution of workshop; writing publication on workshop proceedings, assistance in follow-up and fund-raising activities for SSHP Programme; production of a baseline report on hydropower, establishment of SSHP inventory on hydropower in the ECOWAS countries

Services provided by M. Bölli: presentation of key aspects (classification of small-scale hydro and implications, difference isolated and grid-connected systems, legal and policy aspects); moderation of the respective sessions.