buildings_settlementSpecial Monitoring FMO Poland

Appraisal for the EEA (European Economic Area) Financial Mechanism Office (Brussels) of 2 project adjustments in Poland.



Project Period:


Services Provided:

Assessment, Monitoring & Evaluation

  • Appraisal of project adjustments

Name of Client:

Financial Mechanism Office of EEA (European Economic Area)

Name of Partner organisations:

Swiss Centre for International Health (SCIH), Swiss Tropical Institute

Description of the Project:

Skat was mandated by the Financial Mechanism Office of the EEA through the SCIH to conduct appraisals of project adjustments in Poland.

Special Monitoring for the EEA (European Economic Area) Financial Mechanism Office (Brussels) of a public project in Legnica District, concerning energy savings and thermal modernisation works of school and social facilities buildings, and in addition, sport facilities. This included a desk study and a site visit with interviews of the partners in Poland.

Special Monitoring for the EEA (European Economic Area) Financial Mechanism Office (Brussels) of a public project in Recz, concerning energy savings and thermal modernisation works of public buildings. Desk study on relevant available information on the realisation of FMO monitoring assessments, and particularly analyse supplementary documentation provided for the project to be assessed. Handling of the questions raised by the FMO in the document “Key questions and report template providing opinion for amendment”. Writing of a special monitoring report.