Strengthening Managerial Skill and Consulting Services in Solid Waste and Wastewater Treatment in Urban Areas of Vietnam
Project Period:
Services provided:
Assessment, Monitoring & Evaluation
Assessment, data collection, strategy development
Name of the Staff involved and functions performed:
Adrian Coad, Senior waste management specialist
Name of Client(s):
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH
Name of Partner organisation:
WELI (Water and Environmental Consultants Ltd), Hanoi; Hanoi Design Consulting Co Ltd, HCMC; National Center for Social Sciences and Humanities, Hanoi; Center for Legal Consultancy and Business Management
Description of the Project:
The project is to appraise a project proposal that is concerned with providing technical co-operation support to a KfW project that will fund the construction of two wastewater treatment plants and one solid waste treatment plant, and also with strengthening the capacity of Vietnamese consultants in the planning and designing of such projects.
- Collection of relevant data from documents, through interviews and by observation;
- Discussing proposals with stakeholders and participating in a planning workshop;
- Preparing an appraisal report for consideration by stakeholders and consideration in a second planning workshop.