energy_climate     Support of SONEDE in exploiting the hydropower potential in

                the drinking water supply system

Study on and evaluation of the available potential of mini and small hydropower in the drinking water supply system of SONEDE / Tunisia, assistance for implementation of a demonstration project; on-the-job and classroom training on relevant issues, implementation of a pilot plant.

Location & Country:


Project Period:

February-September 2012

Name of Staff involved and functions performed:

Hedi Feibel, expert for legal, economic, hydrological aspects and project management

Martin Bölli, technical expert for assessment of potential, feasibility study, tender docs, training

Name of Partner Organisation(s):

SONEDE Société Nationale d’Exploitation et de Distribution des Eaux, Tunis

Name of Client:


Description of the Project:

Services provided by Skat: assessment of the available potential of mini and small hydropower in the drinking water supply system, required investments and economic profitability; assistance for implementation of a 50 kW demonstration project, elaboration of a feasibility study, support for tendering and implementation; on-the-job training and 3-day classroom training on technical, legal and economical aspects of mini and small hydropower technology for the technicians of the water supply utility (SONEDE), the electricity supply utility (STEG) and ANME (Agence Nationale de la Maitrise de l’Energie).

Results: potential is assessed and evaluated, pilot project is planned, staff of water supply and electricity utility is trained