In February 2009 Skat was requested by Helvetas to provide programme support and backstopping with recommendations for future trail bridge building. The assignment assures further promotion of good governance and decentralisation in the trail bridge sub-sector in Bhutan.
Project Period:
2007-2010 (Phase 6)
Services Provided:
Backstopping & Technical Advice
- Backstopping and Programme Support
- Strategic Planning
Name of Staff involved and functions performed:
Project Manager: Jürg Christen
Name of Partner Organisation(s):
Name of Client:
Description of the Project:
Through Helvetas, the Swiss Government has been supporting trail bridge building in Bhutan since 1985 with technical and financial assistance. The overall goal of the project is to create the social, physical and administrative infrastructure to promote balanced socio-economic development through the provision of safe and economical river crossings in remote and particularly poor locations. Until today, more than 450 trail bridges have been constructed and many already rehabilitated throughout the predominately hilly districts of Bhutan. Today, Bhutan is at the crossroads of an unparalleled political and institutional reform process. For the first time in 2008 a democratically elected government took charge.