Since more than ten years ago, “Action pour un Development Equitable, Intégré et Durable” (ADEID) initiated a renewable energy program through which 12 micro hydropower plants (MHP) were constructed. ADEID has been visited with a special focus on supporting of the finalisation of the ongoing construction of MHPs.
Project Period:
Services Provided:
Backstopping & Technical Advice
- Technical expertise in planning, construction, operation and maintenance of micro hydropower plants in isolated operation
Name of Staff involved and functions performed:
Martin Bölli, Micro Hydropower Expert
Name of Client:
ADEID / Misereor
Description of the Project:
Cost-efficient and technically safe and reliable electrification of rural villages in Cameroon implemented by ADEID
Activities: Visit of four MHPs, one in rehabilitation, three in construction. Capacity building of the ADEID team in the design of isolated MHP
Results: Punctual improvement of the ongoing construction activities, capacity building of the ADEID team, synergies with partners identified.