transfer-of-technologies_approachesTransfer of Technologies & Approaches

We have established systems for knowledge management, which enhance the sharing of ideas and experiences between partners from all continents.

Skat has developed innovative technologies and approaches that have been successfully applied in the sectors of WASH and construction i.e hand pumps, bricks.

Our services include:

  • Transfer of technologies, approaches and innovative ideas
  • Advising on knowledge management systems
  • Contributing to publications
  • Providing free access to publications

In order to enhance the quality of development interventions we systematically identify successes and failures, and lessons learnt and share these information.

Our experiences are steadily collected, documented and disseminated from where we develop new approaches and define best practises. The Skat Foundation is supporting the knowledge sharing and documentation of collected experiences of Skat Consulting Ltd. and increases our reach. We offer free access to most of our publications on our areas of expertise.
