Skat was requested by the UN high Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to support them in the revision and improvement of their global monitoring system. This work included a desk review and analysis of all relevant documents and consultations with different staff members of UNHCR. Additionally, Skat prepared and moderated a “scoping workshop” with UNHCR’s staff to define the key aspects that needed revision in the Results Framework. As a result, Skat was able to contribute to the improvement of the Agency’s global monitoring system providing key recommendations on data structure, indicators and data management methodologies.
Location & Country:
Project Period:
Services Provided:
Knowledge Sharing, Networking, Training & Capacity Development
Name of Staff involved and functions performed:
Project Contact person: Bertha Camacho
Name of Client(s):
UNHCR- United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Description of the Project:
Skat consultants prepared, facilitated and moderated a “scoping workshop” (1/2 day to 1 day) at UNHCR’s HQ in order to define the frame and scale of improvements of the RF and thus the scope of work of the external consultant(s);
Deskwork: review and analysis of all relevant documents, lists of indicators, reports, minutes (UNHCR will provide a list of the relevant documents);
Thorough briefings at UNHCR’s HQ; Obtain feedback from the relevant experts with regard to not only shortcomings but also potentials of the RF; screen lessons learnt from UNHCR’s monitoring tools such as the Health Information System (HIS);
Participation in meetings of UNHCR field users of the RF, including at least one design workshop in Geneva;
Analysis of findings; formulation of recommendations on data structure, indicators and data management methodologies for presentation to UNHCR’s HQ; Propose proceedings for further steps.