networks_knowledge-management    United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)

              Results Framework

Skat was requested by the UN high Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to support them in the revision and improvement of their global monitoring system. This work included a desk review and analysis of all relevant documents and consultations with different staff members of UNHCR. Additionally, Skat prepared and moderated a “scoping workshop” with UNHCR’s staff to define the key aspects that needed revision in the Results Framework. As a result, Skat was able to contribute to the improvement of the Agency’s global monitoring system providing key recommendations on data structure, indicators and data management methodologies.

Location & Country:


Project Period:


Name of Staff involved and functions performed:

Project Contact person: Bertha Camacho

Name of Client(s):

UNHCR- United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

Description of the Project:

Skat consultants prepared, facilitated and moderated a “scoping workshop” (1/2 day to 1 day) at UNHCR’s HQ in order to define the frame and scale of improvements of the RF and thus the scope of work of the external consultant(s);

Deskwork: review and analysis of all relevant documents, lists of indicators, reports, minutes (UNHCR will provide a list of the relevant documents);

Thorough briefings at UNHCR’s HQ; Obtain feedback from the relevant experts with regard to not only shortcomings but also potentials of the RF; screen lessons learnt from UNHCR’s monitoring tools such as the Health Information System (HIS);

Participation in meetings of UNHCR field users of the RF, including at least one design workshop in Geneva;

Analysis of findings; formulation of recommendations on data structure, indicators and data management methodologies for presentation to UNHCR’s HQ; Propose proceedings for further steps.