buildings_settlement    Vertical Shaft Brick Kiln Project

This Project was implemented on behalf of SDC by the Swisscontact / Skat working consortium. Its phase goal was to reduce emission of GHG in the construction sector to mitigate global warming and environment degradation.


South Africa

Cape Town, Pretoria

Project Period:

2009 to 2013

Services Provided:

Project implementation

  • Coordination of technology transfer, Design of VSBK kilns, Capacity building for local VSBK construction companies, Construction supervision and Development of Quality assurance tools, Initial Operation, Support in Environmental aspects and emission standard formulation

Name of Staff involved and functions performed:

Programme Director and Manager: Karl Wehrle

Deputy Project Manager: Daniel Wyss

Project Officer: Urs Hagnauer (Head of the Project Team in Nepal)

Senior Advisor: Heinrich Mueller, Associate

VSBK engineer/Coordinator: Suyesh Prajepati

Name of Partner Organisation(s):

Swisscontact South Africa

TARA Sociaty/Development Alternatives, India

MinErgy. Pvt. Ltd., Nepal

Description of the Project:

Skat has been entrusted with the technical overall responsibility of building up the required skill and capacities to locally anchor and commercially disseminate the VSBK technology in South Africa in a sustainable manner. South Africa is, compared to other countries (India, Nepal, Afghanistan, Pakistan), highly advanced in terms of green brick production mechanization, skills and business management.

The advanced brick making culture of South Africa demands exceptionally high design, construction and operation quality assistance of local Skat VSBK entrepreneurs. For this purpose, Skat is managing the coordination of the global “VSBK expert pool” to ensure the south – south approach as well as the integration of international working experience of the globally leading VSBK and other brick sector related experts for this project.