To contribute to the mitigation of global warming and environmental degradation by reducing greenhouse gases and carbon emission while fostering sustainable (economic, environmental, social) production leading to economic prosperity, as well as poverty reduction in Nepal, while networking and reaching out into surrounding areas in South Asia.
Nepal (Kathmandu Valley including urban and semi-urban areas in the hills and the Terai)
Project Period:
Services Provided:
Backstopping & Technical Advice
- Technical backstopping, knowhow and quality control
Name of Staff involved and functions performed:
Project Manager: Urs Hagnauer
Senior Advisor: Heinrich Mueller, Associate
Name of Partner Organisation(s):
Deutsche Management Akademie, Niedersachsen, Germany
Federation of Nepal Cottage and Small Industries, Kathmandu Nepal
Name of Client:
European Commission
SWITCH Asia Programme
Description of the Project:
The project promotes socially-minded, energy efficient and environmentally friendly construction, material production and application. The methodology applied is through the intervention at the grass root level in the construction business, focusing on supply chain actors consisting of production and construction workers, technicians, engineers, architects and entrepreneurs (contractors, construction materials producers & real state developers). The project will work at both ends (the supply and demand sides) of the construction business. A further component will be to support the Government Institutions in developing Green Building policies, thereby further underlining sustainable construction practices.
The project is a logical continuation of the former SDC funder VSBK Project and guarantees a professional phasing out of the eariler initiated activities, where Skat provides following services
- Acquiring interested entrepreneurs and supporting them in business planning
- Establishing an expert and supporting expert service teams for engineering and construction support
- Developing and promoting socially improved measures in the brick industry
- Legal support for entrepreneurs interested in shifting to cleaner technologie
- Promoting Sustainable Construction Practices and methods