The client contracted Skat Consulting Ltd. to carry out a stakeholder mapping and policy analysis exercise of the WASH sector in Bhutan, with a focus on stakeholders involved in household water treatment and storage systems (HWTS). Previously to the assessment, there were contradictory claims on WASH status and need for HWTS in Bhutan. The mission report looked at what the government data stated and what the stakeholders perceive on the above two subjects, it mapped the main actors in the sector and showed their relations. Moreover, it also provided an overview of existing products and methodological approaches. Based on the findings of the assessment, a series of recommendations were made to provide evidence to the client for its strategic decision making..
Project Period:
Jan-Feb. 2015
Services Provided:
Assessment, Monitoring & Evaluation
1) Stakeholder mapping of the WASH sector, with a focus on HWTS and related issues
2) Policy analysis, with focus on drinking water supply and water quality
3) Overview and analysis of existing data on the WASH sector
Name of Staff involved and functions performed:
Project Manager: Matthias Saladin
Project Officer: Sanjay K Gupta – Water, Sanitation and Waste Management Specialist.
Name of Client(s)
Solaqua Foundation, St.Gallen
Description of the Project:
Based on data (both previously existing and newly collected) and interviews with key stakeholders, the assessment focused on the following aspects:
1) Stakeholder mapping of the WASH sector, with a focus on HWTS and related issues
2) Policy analysis, with focus on drinking water supply and water quality
3) Overview and analysis of existing data on the WASH sector
A report summarizing the findings of this study was submitted to Solaqua Foundation for internal use and decision making on funding and geographic focus. The report made recommendations to Solaqua analyzing the potential impact and effectiveness of WASH projects in Bhutan, based on the assessment of the field visit and other available data. The report also makes a recommendation for primary data collection.