The overall objective of this assignment is to provide support to the Ministry of Water and Environment in Uganda in development and implementation of water source protection guidelines. The framework and guidelines are intended to help the owners/operators of water infrastructure identify and work with stakeholders in the catchment areas that supply them water so that problems of siltation, pollution, over-abstraction, erratic river flows can be addressed. The aim is to create a partnership approach whereby both upstream and downstream water and land users benefit from better catchment management.
Phase 1 (Feb 2012 – Jun 2012): Development of a National Framework for Water Source Protection Guidelines and guidelines documents for different water uses.
Phase 2 (Aug 2012 – Feb 2013): Piloting of water source protection guidelines in the River Manafwa catchment, near Mbale/Mount Elgon.
Project Period:
Feb 2012 – Apr 2013
Services Provided:
Backstopping & Technical Advice
- Technical Assistance in Developing National Policy for IWRM implementation.
Name of Staff involved and functions performed:
Project Manager: Sean Furey
Backstopping Support (Phase 1): Dr Kerstin Danert, André Olschewski, Hedi Feibel
Local consultant (Phase 2): Alex Muhweezi
Name of Client:
Directorate of Water Resource Management
Ministry of Water & Environment
Description of the Project:
Guiding piloting process in Eastern Uganda (Mbale) through site visits, workshop facilitation and remote support, in partnership with local consultant and district and national stakeholders
Working alongside partners in MWE, and other stakeholders to review international best practice in catchment protection, analyse the situation in Uganda and put forward recommendations for implementing water source protection, with a wider framework of catchment management planning, water resource management and water infrastructure development.
Five volume series produced, consulted on, tested and disseminated:
- Volume 1: Framework for Water Source Protection
- Volume 2: Guidelines for Piped Water Schemes
- Volume 3: Guidelines for Point Water Schemes
- Volume 4: Guidelines for Multi-Purpose Reservoirs
- Volume 5: Guidelines for Hydropower Schemes