Team meeting of SDC’s Global Programme Water and Skat’s backstopping mandate
On 29.11.2017, Skat hosted a team meeting for members of SDC’s Global Programme Water (GPW) and their backstoppers. The meeting in Zurich aimed at integrating new staff members from both organisations in the team and at refining the cooperation and planning modalities for backstopping.
GPW runs an ambitious portfolio of highly innovative water projects with an annual budget of over 30 million CHF. Through the backstopping mandate, Skat supports GPW with the management of its project portfolio and provides thematic expertise. Currently, 12 Skat staff members and additional experts from Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation and other partners are involved in the backstopping mandate. Skat supports the Global Programme Water and its predecessors at SDC since 1996. Have a look at the project here: Project profile