Projects in Afghanistan
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International Support for Village Renewable Energy Survey for Afghanistan – focus on Micro Hydropower (MHP)
Afghanistan | Energy and Climate
Only one third of the population of Afghanistan has access to electricity; hence, The Afghanistan Ministry of Energy and Water (MEW), aims to meet the energy demands across the country by supporting and encouraging the use of Renewable Energy (RE). The GIZ Program’s Output 4 is mainly addressing climate change as well as boosting the productive use of renewable energy in Afghanistan through sustainable energy and ecosystem management.
Vertical Shaft Brick Kiln (VSBK) Afghanistan
Afghanistan | Building and Settlement
Implementing a technology transfer project, introducing energy efficient and environmentally friendly brick production technology to the Afghan brick sector.
External Evaluation of the Project: Reduction of the vulnerability of population living in underserved peri-urban areas of Kabul city
Afghanistan | Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
Skat Consulting was mandated by ACF Afghanistan to carry out an external evaluation of WASH project implemented in peri-urban areas of Kabul and funded by ECHO.
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