Our Expertise

Access to a wide spectrum of skills allows Skat to provide a holistic, integrated service. We offer proven expertise in the following disciplines.

Water Management: Water supply, sanitation and hygiene (WASH)

We are committed to SDG6: Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all and the Human Rights to Water and Sanitation. Skat is a global leader in the WASH sector, particularly in rural and small town water supply and environmental sanitation.

Building, reconstruction, and settlements

Skat’s efforts in sustainable building practice, architecture, construction and settlement development focus on proven products and solutions for cost efficient housing and social infrastructure (schools, social centres and health facilities).

Energy and climate

Skat links climate protection, renewable energies, community empowerment and poverty reduction through holistic approaches, which facilitate equal access to environmentally sound energy technologies, called for in SDG7: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all.

Cross-cutting area of expertise


Skat provides technical, managerial and administrative support to community groups, non-governmental organisations, and local government institutions in the area of decentralization and good governance. Skat facilitates advocacy and policy dialogue between government and civil society and promotes the combination of sound technical know-how with social competence.


Our Services

Skat offers the following professional services to organisations working in development and emergencies. Clients include NGOs, resource centres and knowledge networks, and bilateral/multilateral development agencies.

Skat provides the following services in its areas of expertise:

  • Project implementation: implementation of mandates for development initiatives in transition and developing countries.
  • Consultancies: provision of consultancies, including: backstopping and mentoring; technical advice and expert support; policy and strategy development; and assessments, monitoring and evaluation.
  • Knowledge sharing: sharing of our expertise by providing training, and facilitating knowledge platforms and networks for developing the capacities of our clients and the international development community.
Project implementation

Skat works with local partners in the design and implementation of projects. Within Skat there is wide experience of project management in development and emergency contexts.

Recent experience includes:

  • Implementation of the SDC funded Programme “Eau Potable pour les Populations des Grands Lacs – PEPP” –
  • Implementation of the SDC funded Programme “Promoting off-farm employment in Africa’s Great Lakes Region through climate responsive construction material production (PROECCO)”
  • Implementation of the “Swiss-Ukrainian Decentralisation Support to Ukraine Project – DESPRO” funded by SDC
  • Implementation of the “Swiss Water and Sanitation Project in Moldova – ApaSan” funded by SDC

Skat provides long-term technical, management, conceptual, and strategic support to projects and programmes on behalf of bilateral and multilateral development agencies and NGOs.

Skat has wide experience in particular by:

  • Supporting thematic desks of development agencies, infrastructure projects and programmes
  • Coaching of project and programme managers
  • Moderating and coaching knowledge sharing events and knowledge networks
Knowledge Sharing

Due to its longstanding role as a resource centre in international cooperation, Skat is known for its services in providing its expertise for knowledge sharing and networking, capacity development, and knowledge brokering and communication. These services are mainly provided in partnership with Skat Foundation.

Skat promotes the development, transfer, dissemination and diffusion of knowledge and experiences among stakeholders in international cooperation. In addition, we support the consolidation of multi-actor partnerships.

  • Assessment, Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Capacity Building and Training
  • Research and innovation