networks_knowledge-management       Backstopping support for the SDC’s Peace, Governance and Equality section

Pushing the collaboration practices over the tipping point,
Nadia von Holzen, Learning Moments


Switzerland and various abroad

Project Period:

2022– 2027

Services Provided:

Backstopping: facilitation and collective learning

Name of Staff involved:

Team Leader: Julie Smolnitchi, Facilitator & Collective learning advisor: Manuel Henseler, Roger Schmid, Delphine Magara, Frank Wiederkehr, Nadia von Holzen (Learning Moments), Marie Marchand (a-zimut), Corinne Sprecher (Begegnungsreich).

Project Summary:

Skat Consulting, in collaboration with, a-zimut, Learning Moments and Begegnungsreich is providing support for facilitation and collective learning to the SDC PGE section. The type of backstopping services include:

  • Guidance and support for f2f, hybrid and online facilitation of learning events
  • Support in the conceptualisation, design, steering and accompaniment of complex learning processes
  • Support to further develop innovative facilitation and collective learning methods and skills in the PGE thematic areas and working context.