Supporting the Swiss Cooperation Office in Central America with the steering of its Water and Sanitation Programmes: Aguasan Nicaragua, Aguasan Honduras, Aguasan Regional, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in small towns and schools.
Central America (Nicaragua, Honduras)
Project Period:
May 2012 – Oktober 2016
Name of Staff involved and functions performed:
Project Manager and backstopper: Florian Klingel
Operational Regional Dircector, resident in Nicaragua: Urs Hagnauer
Backstopper: Bertha Camacho
Name of Client(s):
Swiss Cooperation Office for Central America, Managua, Nicaragua
Description of the Project:
Skat has been entrusted to support with an expert for the position of the Operational Regional Director, based in Central America in order to steer the Swiss Water and Sanitation Programmes of the Swiss Development and Cooperation Office in Central America. Additionally targeted backstopping support from Skat Head Quarters is provided on demand.
The main activities of the Backstopping Mandate are :
- Ensure with specific attention to the efficient implementation of the programme WASH in Small Towns and Schools, including the tender processes, contract management, quality assurance and outcome measurement.
- Supervise implementation of Project Cycle of all four SDC Water and Sanitation Programmes in Central America, including assuring coherence between programmes (Indicators, approaches, modalities, etc.), and administration of financial and human ressources.
- Promote knowledge management with other water and sanitation programmes with the objective to create strong Swiss expertise in selected areas.
- Participate in the design of a new Water and Sanitation Progamme and manage the transition coherently between current programmes to the new programme.
- Manage SDC’s contributions to the Water and Sanitation Program (WSP) and to AquaFund of the Interamerican Development Bank