Supervision of construction of 34 water rural supply projects

                 / RUMPI Project

Supply of consultancy services and supervision for construction of 34 rural water supply schemes for Rumpi Area Participatory Development Project

Location & Country:


South West region

Project Period:

November 2009 – November 2010

Services Provided:

Knowledge Sharing, Networking, Training & Capacity Development

  • Supervision of construction work, training of technicians

Name of Staff involved and functions performed:

Technical Manager: Skat, Karl Wehrle and Andre Olschewski

Project Manager: IEA, Yeyung Ghogomu

Name of Partner Organisation(s):

Integrated Engineering Associates (IEA) , Cameroon

Name of Partner Organisation(s):

Integrated Engineering Associates (IEA) , Cameroon

Description of the Project:

Recently, based on a competitive tender, the Rumpi project selected six local contractors for the execution of the construction of 34 rural supply systems. Each contractor will be in charge of the rehabilitation of 5-6 water supply systems. Bearing in mind their limited practical experience in rural water supply work, all selected technicians had to participate in a one-week training course on good practice in construction work. The training was executed by experienced Integrated Engineering Associates (IEA) and Skat staff prior to the ground work. IEA and Skat are in charge of the supervision of the project, including controlling and reporting. In the early phase of construction work, when relevant steps towards good construction quality can be taken, IEA and Skat will provide intensive on site supervision and on the spot training of the technicians.