Skat developed a methodology for the assessment of the applicability of WASH technologies (Technology Applicability Framework – TAF) in developing countries with focus on SSA. The TAF tool supports the WASH sector to plan and monitor technology introduction processes.
Africa – Ghana, Burkina Faso, Uganda
Project Period:
January 2011 – December 2013
Services Provided:
Assessment, Monitoring & Evaluation
- Applied research and development of methodology and tools for assessing applicability and for introduction of WASH technologies
Name of Staff involved and functions performed:
Project Manager/Key Researcher: André Olschewski
Technical Support/QA: Kerstin Danert, Sean Furey
Name of Client:
European Union
Name of Partner Organisation(s):
IRC (lead), Wateraid UK, Wateraid in Ghana, Burkina Faso und Uganda, NETWAS Uganda, WSA, TREND, KNUST, Cranfield University
Description of the Project:
Results: TAF tool, guidance documents for the TIP, various flyers and presentations; in each country one host institution has been appointed to host and further develop the TAF.
The TAF is a field visit and workshop based tool. Different stakeholders will be involved in the collection of data and in the generation and discussion of results. In specific workshops issues will be discussed at national level (national objectives) and at local level (local objectives).
Target users of the TAF are national and local governments, donors, NGO, R&D institutions, private sector enterprises, and academia.
The TIP is a guidance document. Based on the TIP country specific recommendations for technology validation and introduction will be developed.
All materials and tools are freely available on the website, hosted by the Rural Water Supply Network (RWSN)